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eBook Series

The Write on Track eBook series covers a variety of high-level topics that many authors find challenging. Drawing on my own experiences, I've created this informative series to help writers of any experience level. Filled with statistics, survey results, interactive exercises and more, these are designed to help writers develop habits and find a balance that will lead to success!

Volume 1: Balancing Writing with a Job

In volume one of the Write on Track eBook series, learn some helpful insights about why it's not that uncommon for creative writers to have a job, tips on how to succeed, and utilize exercise sheets about forming habits and a healthy balance between writing and working.

Volume 3: Handling Feedback

In volume three of the Write on Track eBook series, learn about different types of feedback, both negative and positive, as well as sources where feedback can come from. After reading, you should have a better understanding of how to handle feedback and start brainstorming specifics points for feedback that you are looking for. 

Volume 5: Avoiding Copyright Violations when Self-Publishing

In volume five  of the Write on Track eBook series, learn the difference between copyright and other available legal protections for your work, how you can benefit from them, and some areas you might not think about (but should pay close attention to) when publishing.

Volume 2: Avoiding Burnout

In volume two of the Write on Track eBook series, learn the difference between stress, writer's block and burnout, tips on how to avoid burnout, and utilize exercise sheets about forming habits that help you keep your mind fresh and ready for creativity.

Volume 4: How to Get the Most Out of Your Newsletter


In volume four of the Write on Track eBook series, learn how to get the most out of your author newsletter and other email marketing efforts by learning what stats you should track, how to craft a good subject line, what days of the week see the most activity from subscribers and much more in this highly informative eBook! 

Volume 6: Pricing Your Books

In volume six of the Write on Track eBook series, learn the key points you should consider when pricing your books, how you can use marketing psychology to your benefit, and hear survey results directly from readers about what they are willing to pay.

Volume 7: Easy Book Formatting Tips

In volume seven of the Write on Track eBook series, learn the basics of formatting your book for print in Microsoft Word. From page set-up to widow and orphan control, transform your document from basic to beautiful. 

Volume 8: Creating Believable Dialogue

In volume eight of the Write on Track eBook series, learn the art and nuances of creating convincing conversations that breathe life into characters and propels narratives forward, and the secrets to capturing the essence of genuine human interaction on the written page.

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